3D failu pārlūks
Apr 08, 2004
Vazājoties apkārt, uzskrēju šim - ZUI (Zoomable User Interface) - mugen.
You can see 2-3 levels of hierarchy down even with the current wasteful screendesign. Moving seven levels down hierarchy in roughly 5 seconds. Spotting empty directories and such from a mile away. Lateral movement in hierarchy. Dragging things through seven (or whatever) levels of hierarchy with a single mouse movement, probably accommodated by some zooming up and down tho. Can see a thousand or such files at once, not well enough to read their names though.
Sadabūju OpenGL bibliotēkas pitonam un tad tas brīnums strādāja arī man -
Jālieto ļoti uzmanīgi, jo, kamēr pierod, viegli var nejauši ko svarīgu pārvietot, ka ej nu pēc tam atrodi. Vēl es dikti gribēju izlielīties, kāda man tagad ekrāntapete. Kopā ar vektorgrafikas ikonām, kas met puscaurspīdīgu ēnu izskatās vienkārši lieliski.